Malcolm X Elementary School PTA

Havana Nights - 2017 Malcolm X Auction/Dance Party

February 25th, 2017
Krutch Theater, Clark Kerr Campus, UC Berkeley, 2601 Warring Street

Your willingness to volunteer is appreciated. Please pick a shift (or two), enter your name and email, and you're done! Some jobs, like Pre-Auction Errands and Pick-Up, and Auction Photographer, do not have "shifts" set out. For those, we are looking for people who are willing to do it off and on throughout the time period (for instance, we do not expect Pre-Auction Errands and Pick-Up to take a whole day; it should be only an hour or two here and there). Other jobs (like Check In, Check Out, Bid Entering, etc.) have specific shifts (typically 45 minutes). Do what you like!

There are no shifts available at this time.

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